A Clever Way To Store Kitchen Appliances

When someone asks me to share something interesting about myself, I respond, “I store my kitchen appliances in plastic bins.” Too bad no one asks me that question, like ever. At least I know what to say when that day comes. I am soooo ready to finally be recognized as, “The Most Interesting Woman In The World.” 

Why I Store Appliances In Bins

I store my kitchen appliances in plastic bins because I am so clever. Be honest, MuseLis. I store my kitchen appliances in plastic bins because it makes life easier. BE HONEST, MUSELIS. I store my kitchen appliances in plastic bins because I bought too many and didn’t know what else to do. I did what any sane person would do and put everything I possibly could into a bin to hide the fact that I bought too many. So yeah, I guess I was that cray cray lady you saw in Daiso who went a wee bin overboard. Luckily, those bins have proved themselves useful with the appliances. Here are 3 good reasons I kept them there.

Good Reason #1

Since I don’t have the luxury of cabinet pull out shelves, pulling appliances out from my deep cabinets felt like pulling your kid away from a splash park on a hot summer day. Ugh, he’s not even my kid! Keeping my appliances in plastic bins feels like I plopped them into wagons so their little rubber feet can’t drag along. I can yank their one-pound butts out in a snap.

Good Reason #2

I also love that clean-up is a breeze. Once all the appliance pieces have finished drying, I toss them into their labeled bin.

Good Reason #3

Storing appliances (or just about any items of odd shapes and sizes) into uniform containers is another way to create an illusion of unity, or what I like to call WOO magic

Lemons Into Lemonade

Initially, I thought I made a mistake by buying too many bins. This experience has taught me how to turn my lemons into lemonade. Just don’t let me buy another kitchen appliance to make lemonade. Because if I buy another kitchen appliance, I’ll have to go out and buy another bin…and well, you know how that goes.

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