Decluttering Your Way To Hotness

Thank you Yun Sung-Bin (from Netflix Physical 100) for demonstrating what hot on hot looks like

Why Clutter-Free Homes Are Like Hot Bods 

I admire a hot bod when I see one because achieving it takes dedication, hard work, and self-control. If you want it, gotta work for it. The same goes for a clutter-free home. You need to show the same dedication, hard work, and self-control. Put in the work, and you’ll have a home that looks hotter than the hottest hot bod. 

Building Your Decluttering Muscles

Decluttering is a lot like building muscles. The best approach is to begin with easy items, such as items you know you want out of the house. As you let go of more and more, you can slowly work your way up. Starting easy lets your decluttering muscles get stronger and prepares you for the hardest clutter, sentimental stuff. Someone attempting to tackle sentimental items before their decluttering muscles have developed would be equivalent to someone who never works out and tries to hit the heavy weights at the gym. I recommend easing into it and gradually increasing the intensity as you would with workouts. 

Hard Workouts 

I thought decluttering would get easier over the years, but no matter how much I did, decluttering still felt like one tough workout. I used to wonder, “What’s going on? Shouldn’t decluttering get easier as I do more?” My rationale was all wrong because I didn’t take the amount of weight I was lifting into consideration. Hot bods match their strength to their workouts by adding more weight as they get stronger. I, too, was having my decluttering sessions match my decluttering strength. As my decluttering muscles grew, so did the difficulty of items I could let go of. So remember: decluttering doesn’t get easier– your workouts get harder. 

Oh hey! That squirrel has my eyes. I naturally accumulate nutty clutter when I don’t keep myself in check.

Don’t Stuff It With Junk 

Hot bods carefully monitor their diets and what they put into their bodies. They don’t stuff their bodies with junk because that would add unwanted pounds to their hot bods. The same thing happens when you stuff junk into your house. Not only will your home look visually heavy, but the clutter will weigh you down, mentally. Be selective of what you’re putting into your home. 

Clutter Dust

Decluttering is an ongoing process. I declutter. ALL. THE. TIME. Seriously, the decluttering never ends. Just as dust accumulates in corners of a room and all over surfaces, clutter has a way of sneaking in too. I like to call it “clutter-dust” because I don’t notice it until enough piles up. I find it annoying how often I need to clean out the clutter dust, but I know I have to do it. Regular decluttering is essential for maintaining a hot, clutter-free home. 

No nuts here! This is what my kitchen looks like after I clutter dust.

My Hope For The Future

My place is still a work in progress, but I hope one day, someone will take notice of all my decluttering efforts. They’ll look around and tell me my place looks jacked. I’ll smile and reply, “Thank you,” as I flex my bins.

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